packet pick up
Learn about gear & bib assignments
Every racer will receive a race bib, but gear and size selection is offered first-come, first-served to the first 600 to pick up their race packet. We encourage you to send a designated person to pick up all packets for your group to help us physically distance and keep the lines moving quickly. Use the below map to find us easily.
Avoid the lines, race day rush, and get first dibs on available gear and sizes by attending our early packet pick up event! Meet the Race of Hope Event Crew at Gubbins Running on Saturday, 8/3/24, 12:PM - 6PM. Your next chance to pick up your race packet will be on race day.
Saturday, 08/03/24
Gubbins Running
28 Hill Street
Southampton, NY 11968
Sunday, 08/04/24
Southampton Cultural Center
25 Pond Ln
Southampton, NY 11968
Your assigned race bib's number will determine which Starting Line Corral you will report to on race day.
Each bib is specifically assigned to a runner's name, gender, and age group for official race timing purposes and should not be swapped or traded. Be sure to confirm you're wearing the bib assigned to you vs. someone else’s in your group. Wearing an incorrect bib will result in ineligibility for awards.
Bibs should be worn on your front below your rib cage and above you hips. Secure your bib with at least 3 safety pins from the holes at each corner to your outermost clothing layer. Plan your race day outfit so that if you shed clothing layers, your bib can still be seen.
Your race bib has a digital chip attached to the back that communicates with the race timer's equipment after the race starts. Do not fold your bib to avoid damaging the device. No matter the time you start your race, your time tracking will only begin when you cross the starting line and stop when you cross the finish line. Your total NET time will determine your final race performance compared to all other racers in your same age division and gender.

Locate your assigned bib number and find the corresponding starting line corral number below that you are assigned to. Report to your assigned corral number with your assigned group no less than 5 minutes in advance and prepare to start your race. If you arrive with a pet or stroller, report to the back of corral #6. No matter your pace, all racers who sign up after online registration has closed, will be placed in the last corral.
Corral #5:
5k Race Pace: 13:00 - 14:00mm -
Wave #6:
Walking, Dogs, Strollers, racers who sign up at packet pick up or on race day. -
Wave #7 - Untimed
Casual untimed stroll with no speed award eligibility.
Corral #1 - Elite Racers
5k Race Pace: 5:00 - 6:00mm -
Wave #2:
5k Race Pace: 7:00 - 8:00mm -
Wave #3:
5k Race Pace: 9:00 - 10:00mm -
Wave #4:
5k Race Pace: 11:00 - 12:00mm